Step 2: what do you need?

created: 1277298216|%e %B %Y, %H:%M

Well not much… three thing as far as I can tell.

  • a link to your blog section [[[blog:_start|my blog]]] somewhere in your navigation. Your navigation is situated in nav:side or nav:top
  • a page that lists all your blog enteries wich will be called blog:_start, notice that this is the page that is in the adress-bar of your browser if you are looking at the overview of your blog (not your blog-entery)
  • a template for the "blog:"-category wich will be blog:_template


  1. Edit your navigation: Add the code of to your Side navigation
  2. Create the above mentioned pages "blog:_start" and "blog:_template".
  3. Select the source code that you can find at and copy and past it in your site in the newly created page "blog:_start"
  4. Select the source code that you can find at and copy and past it in your site in the newly created page and "blog:_template".

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