Sometimes it can be handy to show the user/contributor the content that (s)he entered. At the moment a checkbox will only say "1" or "0" wich is computer language and not human language. I would therefore choose a radio-button with two options instead.
Are you O Pro or O Contra something?
Your pizza O With or O Without onions?
Something extra is that you as a MA can choose how to display or what you will display from this user: the %%form_raw{}%% value or %%form_data{}%% value
This could maybe become handy if you want to hide or display something for example.
Do this in combination with a css module.
label: Would you like your pizza
type: select
span: with
none: without
after: **onions**
Try it here
page revision: 8, last edited: 09 Dec 2012 22:13